Extreme Heat Safety

Prepare and stay safe during a heat wave.

Stay Cool


Look After Each Other

Welcome to LARC’s Heat Tips! LARC has curated a list of LA County-wide resources for the 2024 heat season. Discover what is available to you locally, join the Extreme Heat Campaign, and Stay #HeatSafeLA out there!

Prepare your Family for Extreme Heat

Extreme heat puts stress on your body and can be deadly. Learn how you or a loved one can stay safe on hot days.

Signs & Symptoms of Heat Illness

Heat Stroke


  • Red, hot, dry skin

  • Confusion 

  • Rapid pulse

  • Throbbing headache

  • Temperature above 103°F (39.4°C)

  • Unconsciousness

What to Do

  • Call 911

  • Move to a cool place

  • Cool with water or ice

Heat Exhaustion


  • Dizziness

  • Heavy sweating

  • Cramps

  • Nausea or vomiting

What to Do:

  • Move to a cool place

  • Loosen clothes

  • Sip water

  • Put cold water or cool, wet cloth on your head, face and neck.

Cool Down Your Environment