Extreme Heat Safety
Prepare and stay safe during a heat wave.
Stay Cool
Look After Each Other
Welcome to LARC’s Heat Tips! LARC has curated a list of LA County-wide resources for the 2024 heat season. Discover what is available to you locally, join the Extreme Heat Campaign, and Stay #HeatSafeLA out there!
Prepare your Family for Extreme Heat
Extreme heat puts stress on your body and can be deadly. Learn how you or a loved one can stay safe on hot days.
Signs & Symptoms of Heat Illness
Heat Stroke
Red, hot, dry skin
Rapid pulse
Throbbing headache
Temperature above 103°F (39.4°C)
What to Do
Call 911
Move to a cool place
Cool with water or ice
Heat Exhaustion
Heavy sweating
Nausea or vomiting
What to Do:
Move to a cool place
Loosen clothes
Sip water
Put cold water or cool, wet cloth on your head, face and neck.
Cool Down Your Environment
LA County Cooling Center Map
Escape the heat by using the map below to find the Cooling Center closest to you or view Cooling Center sites and details as a list.