10:00 Welcome
10:05 Network Updates, Opportunities, & Support
Each participant briefly (~30 sec) completes the following phrase(s):
What I’m working on/ interested in exploring is...
What I need is...
10:30 Current and Upcoming Funding Opportunities
10:40 Climate Readiness Through Local Planning: Building Decarbonization Policies
Dr. Michael Boswell, Professor, City & Regional Planning Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Robyn Eason, Senior Advisor, Policy & Advocacy, USGBC-LA
Overview of Local Plan Database tools:
1. CAP Library (8 minutes)
2. General Plan Search (2 minutes)
Examples of building decarbonization goals in local plans (5 minutes)
Discussion & Coordination (20 minutes)
Which goals/policies have been implemented in your city?
What next steps seem feasible? For example: identify benchmarks, create timelines for action, dedicate staff time, or apply for aligned funding opportunities.
What are the barriers that local governments face in implementing climate action policies?
How can state agencies support local governments and community-based organizations in tackling climate actions at the local level?
11:30 Adjourn