The Newsom Administration is updating California's State Adaptation Strategy (Strategy) this year. Our goal is to deliver a 2021 Strategy that outlines the state's key climate resilience priorities, includes specific and measurable steps, and serves as a framework for action across sectors and regions in California.
Thanks for sharing your insights on questions in our February survey! We have analyzed the responses and are incorporating them into our approach to the 2021 Strategy. Check this presentation out for more information!
New - Help us map the next statewide roadmap to a climate-resilient California for all!
We want your help to ensure the state’s Strategy reflects and reinforces regional priorities; draws connections among our collective efforts; and serves as a useful resource for all Californians. Please join us virtually for the Strategy’s kick-off webinar and a regional workshop of your choice! For questions on this effort, please email the state’s coordination team (California Natural Resources Agency and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research) at
Register for the Virtual Kick-off Webinar on May 26, 4-5pm PT
This introductory webinar will provide key background information on the Administration’s proposed approach, timeline, and priorities for the 2021 Strategy, and information on the forthcoming regional public workshops.
Register Here for the Los Angeles Regional Workshop