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SEEC Virtual Forum - WEBINAR 9: Maximizing Value of Resiliency Programs: Case Study & Resources

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When: Aug 20, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 
Topic: SEEC Virtual Forum - WEBINAR 9: Maximizing Value of Resiliency Programs: Case Study & Resources 

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Description A diverse group of presenters will share a case study and best practices on leading-edge approaches to region-wide energy resiliency programs that maximize economic, climate, and reliability benefits.

Resiliency programs leveraging distributed energy resources (DERs) are increasingly recognized as a solution to address multiple goals, including: increased reliability for residents and businesses during Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events and/or natural disasters; increased reliability for the grid; reduction of GHG emissions; and the creation of economic value for both program participants and implementers.

COVID19 underscores the urgency and necessity of creating resilient systems. California could be in a position to experience PSPS events that push those who've been sheltering-in-place into crowded critical facilities, where COVID19 can more easily spread. This makes resiliency efforts even more necessary, especially for vulnerable populations

The presenting panel includes a Community Choice Aggregator (MCE), a policy-focused climate non-profit (The Climate Center), and a clean energy advisory firm dedicated to public agencies (TerraVerde Energy). The panel discussion will be moderated by the Manager of Commercial Solar Project Development for GRID Alternatives. GRID Alternatives is the largest nonprofit solar installer in the nation, and a leading voice driving results in low-income solar policy. Through its mission to make renewable energy technology and job training accessible to at-risk communities, GRID brings equitable solar solutions to families and non-profits throughout California, Colorado, the Mid-Atlantic region, and tribal communities nationwide.

MCE will share a case study demonstrating their best practices for most effectively targeting critical facilities, prioritizing high-needs residents, encouraging/incentivizing program participation, and leveraging funding from different sources to support program implementation.

TerraVerde will provide an overview of the opportunities, challenges, tools and best practices for intelligently designing and effectively deploying resiliency programs that result in the best environmental and economic outcomes. One of the tools that will be shared is the NavigaDER software, made publicly available with funding from the California Energy Commission. NavigaDER runs analyses on DER resiliency program scenarios, identifying optimal program participants for maximized economic value, environmental impact, and regional job creation.

The Climate Center will discuss the policy drivers accelerating the needs and opportunities for energy resilience and GHG reduction programs, including current relevant pending legislation and regulatory proceedings.

Confirmed Speakers
David Burdick,EVP Business Development,TerraVerde EnergyJamie Tuckey,Director of Strategic Initiatives,MCEWoody Hastings,Energy Program Manager,The Climate CenterModerator: Marie Gunter,Commercial Solar Project Developer & Manager,GRID Alternatives
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